Niila the wolverine – Mixed media

This is Niila, a young wolverine (Gulo gulo) living in Namsskogan Familiepark. That is in a big enclosure all by himself. I made a post of Niila last spring. And when I visited then I also recorded him on video. The video is just a short one, and it has been stored until now. This evening I edited my second video. That is, a mixed media with both video and stills. There are probably more wolverines in the norwegian mountains now than the last hundred years, but there are very few who sees this animal in the wild. I went to see Niila when the park was closed, and it was a close and very interesting meeting.

According to the IUCN there are 2.260 wolverines in Europe, including European Russia. There are more photos in my wolverine photo gallery, and also in my photo collection of Scandinavian pradatory animals.

46 thoughts on “Niila the wolverine – Mixed media

  1. As a matter of fact, until I saw your photo, I didn’t know this animal at all, even though I did some work
    of photo research of the Red Listed species for Japanese publisher. (Look through million of photos in
    the photo libraries over here). And I still couldn’t figure out what family this animal belongs to 😀
    (Is it a kind of Bear, Raccoon, Badger or even Dog —– or can it be big Squirrel ? 😀 😀


  2. You captured the wolverine very good. I saw two fighting wolverines in Björnpark Orsa/Sweden. That was very impressive. I’ve never seen one in nature. But that they are so elusive, it’s o.k. for me. 🙂
    Ha en kjempefin helg!


  3. After your previous wolverine post I made it a life ambition to see a wild one,he’s a spectacular animal! Are there plans to introduce him to a lady so he can increase wolverine numbers?


    1. Yes Finn, Niila will probably be introduced to ladies. He is part of an international conservation program, I think one of 9 males, that will participate in planned breeding among captive animals.


  4. Excellent photos of this wolverine, Bente.
    By co-incidence, I was watching a movie about a young boy and a wolverine only a few days ago and very interesting to see the animal in the wild (or should I say nature reserve).

    By the way, I love your images of the snow, animals and forest – you’ve got the perfect balance of light and shade.


  5. Härliga bilder! Järven är ett oerhört speciellt djur, just för att den lever i så ensliga områden, och för att knappt någon “syns” i vilt tillstånd. I en pälsaffär i Tromsö, såg jag för första gången en järv, den var uppstoppad tillsammans med en ren som den slog. De hade även en uppstoppad isbjörn. Ja, om några dagar är det 46 år sedan jag föddes 🙂 Kom på att det lät som om jag var barn på stenåldern ::-)
    Allt gott till dej, god fortsättning på julen och en kram!


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