Visitors and views


Workpress is changing things all the time, and recently they changed from Views to both Views and Visitors for the stats. A couple of days ago I happened to look at the stats around the change of date. A new day was beginning and I had only 1 visitor, but I had 12 views. And the views came from at least 5 different countries. Anybody else who get confused? fuglem_selbu_cw-5

By the way the pictures are from a short walk during Christmas time. As you can see there was not so much snow, but freezingly cold. There are a few more of them on this link.


88 thoughts on “Visitors and views

  1. Jeg har læst mig til at forskellen på “visitor” og “viewer” er at den første klikker sig helt ind på bloggen mens den sidste læser den på sin “reader” over de blogge vedkommende følger… 🙂


    1. Drake, that was such a good one it probably should not be in danish but english: that a viewer just read your blog in the Reader, but a visitor actually visit your blog. Might be.


  2. I’ve given up trying to make head or tail of WordPress stats – they make no sense whatsoever. Great pictures – reminds me of all the cold winters I had growing up at the Baltic Sea coast. Brrrrr….


      1. Actually, No, bente; It’s always wamer by the seaside in winter-time and cooler in summer-time; check with a meteorologist! 😉


  3. Cold and beautiful. As for WordPress, I lost one commenter who is too frustrated to keep trying to get past the username and password questions when she doesn’t even have a blog – just wants to comment.


    1. I know that frustration, because I sometimes fall out of it even if I tell my machine to remember my WP login. I see some people visit blogs without doing blogging, they have an empy one, maybe for that purpose? Thanks Anneli.


      1. I don’t think they can click the Like button if they don’t have a blog, but they should be able to leave a comment and then WordPress gives them one of those patterned gravatars unless they choose to upload a picture for it. That’s how I THINK it goes, but I’m not sure.



    They explain it here. But it still does not reconcile with what I observe. I can see if someone is commenting it would increase the view counts without increasing the visitor counts, but on some posts I have no comments, which would indicate the same people are coming to visit multiple times. Sometimes it’s almost a 2-1 ratio, which would mean each visitor stops by twice on the same post.

    I don’t think so. Personally, I wish they would allow Google Analytics. I have a visitor counter as a widget, and that seems to correlate somewhat with the idea of roughly one visitor for every two views.

    I will know better in march, at the one year anniversary.

    Meanwhile . . . I labor in relative obscurity. But that’s how I sort of like it.

    . . . nice settings.


    1. Well now I know a little bit more. This is mayfe a puzzle for some statician. I didn’t know they didn’t allow Google Analytics. Never thought I needed it since there is statistics, but it might be better. Thanks, Disperser.


  5. What a wonderful walk, Bente. I love the light you’ve captured in the last image.

    Yes, WordPress changes a lot – sometimes annoyingly so.
    I can’t find out how to do a slideshow anymore.

    I think we all get confused by the WordPress changes – maybe they should consult their ‘users’ more often – I’m sure they would find that we don’t like some of their changes.


    1. I heard they used the as guinea-pigs, before they introduced the changes to the I am a bit surprised there are changes so often, and never any kind of notice about it. By the way Victoria, you don’t have a link to your pages from your profile-name used on these comments, so you probably will not get any visitors that way..


  6. I don’t get it either. Perhaps it takes a while for the stats to work themselves out, because at the end of the day it usually ends up around twice the number of hits as visitors.


    1. Oh, I don’t think you want it that freezing, Alessandro. And you are right: changes happen without any warning whatsoever, and I can’t see why we couldn’t be informed somehow, sometimes. I hardly have used the Reader, but I can see it has changed, yes..


  7. somehow it was easier when WordPress just showed views, oh well I don’t suppose they would change it back. I do like seeing what countries my viewers come from and as one person commented, as long as people keep coming back, thats what I care about.


    1. It was easier with just views, but hopefully this change will be for the better when we figure it out. And I agree about the world map, thats an interesting feature and nice to see were the visitors are comming from with a glance.


    1. I am not getting any emails, Edith, except to notify Likes and Comments. But I think if one has upgraded versions, or the org version you probably get better service. I have a free WP.. Thanks and Happy New Year!


  8. Hi,
    Lovely photos, and it does look cold, I don’t think I would be able to go for walks in such cold weather, but it does look beautiful. 🙂
    I think a lot of changes that WP does is definitely not for the better. It certainly doesn’t make any sense to have 12 views but only 1 visitor when there are 5 different country’s involved, the mind boggles with the new stats.


    1. Yesterday night it was 0 + 0 when I checked my stats and that was quite easy to understand. 😉 I hope to get used the the new things happening. And by the way, very cold weather is not a problem if we dress properly and don’t stand still, or go jogging. Thanks, Mags.


  9. I am thoroughly confused and decided not to pay any attention to stats anymore 😀
    But I love your photos – even though they give me chills. Brrrr…


  10. Lovely picture Bente. I don’t pay much attention to the stats. I enjoy people commenting and it’s nice to have ‘likes’. Adrian Pym did mention something about this a little while ago so you’re not alone. 😐


  11. maybe the different views originate from the wordpress reader, where people are not visiting your blog but scan the preview and possibly hit the ‘like’ button. then there are the ones, (like me right now!) that visit your page to enjoy the images and to leave a comment.


  12. I agree with Montucky that WP trips over itself all too often. But I think you do a marvelous job of showing us your neighborhood. But, oh my! it certainly looks very cold.


  13. Wonderful snow with sun 🙂 Here it is mild and grey and rainy for so many days 😦
    Greetings from Cologne,


  14. Lovely photographs, Bente! I totally agree with you as regards WP Stats! I cannot reconcile the number of visitors to the country flags! I have had an incidence of 2 visits with views from 5 different countries, which doesn’t make sense – oh, unless someone has developed a teleporter without telling me!




  15. Det är så vackra bilder. Jag älskar snö och vinter, det har jag nog skrivit förr. Det är också så fint med en röd “detalj” , som din rödklädda person i vinterlandskapet. Jag funderar på att bära iväg en stor röd boll till ett vackert träd, för att få ett utropstecken i bilden.


  16. So beautiful winter photos. I wish we would have some cold days with snow. The grey sky and the rain are not real winter here. Have a nice day and thanks for sharing these pictures!


  17. Those stats are indeed strange. The annual report gave me a totaly different number of views than the stats site of my blog… Anyway love your photos above 😉


  18. I think the views is a live calculation… the visitors takes time to calculate. I’ve noticed something similar but I just happened to refresh my stats within a few minutes and the views stayed the same but the visitors slightly ticked up.
    I think they explained how they determine a visitor… there is some overhead behind it so this leads me to believe there is a lag.


  19. Wat zijn dat prachtige foto’s en ik heb het ook al gemerkt dat het in eens niet meer klopt.Bij mij komen ook veel berichten van bloggers in de spam die daar niet thuishoren.


  20. Beautiful shots! Makes me just want to roll around in the snow. Love your photography.
    And yeah – the stats are most definitely confusing – so I’ve decided o not deal with them at the moment.


  21. WordPress works in mysterious ways for sure…. I love the picture with the house and other buildings, with the trees in line along the road – very inviting. It must have been a refreshing walk!


  22. Magnifique…. comme d’habitude 😉
    Lumière splendide sur les 1ère et 3ème photo .
    On peut ressentir le froid mordant en marchant sur le chemin de la 2ème image !
    Ici, après quelques jours ensoleillés, la pluie et le brouillard sont de retour ….pas très bon pour le moral 😦
    Agréable fin de semaine , salutations


  23. Lovely photos, bente; wish I’d been there! The dog would have enjoyed the snow immensely. 🙂
    Stats — I ignore them as I think they are a hoot re both my blogs!~


  24. What a beautiful view in both pics. The east coast US doesn’t have snow like that…yet. Today, Saturday, it’s in the mid 60’s.
    Thank you for sharing though.


  25. visitors are like the people in your first picture. Views could be anything… maybe like one of your comments said… through the reader. Keep writing, keep photographing… and avoid the statistics if you can. They mean nothing. This platform puts a lot of energy into involving the bloggers in a pointless race for more popularity.


  26. These photos look like they could be Montana in the winter. Wide open spaces and lots of sky! Hope things are a bit warmer for you right now. We just finished a sub zero Fahrenheit week, and today it’s feeling rather balmy in comparison. More zero weather next week!

    BTW – those stats are fun to look at, but also make no sense to me. Apparently Malta and Slovenia love me! who knew 😉


  27. Superb photos.I love it.What’s wrong with the stats on WP.some days they changed but in the evening I’m thinking they are correct.There is a different on clikx of vieuws.It is not the same.Imported is that people come to visit and come back on other days.


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