Thanks xxx

I started blogging just to see what it was, how it worked. In the early year of 2011. No respons of course, nobody knew I was there. After 250 blogposts I have now 100.000 views and more than 1500 followers. I don’t believe every follower see all my posts, but it is still kind of amazing. So I have to say Thanks a lot to all of you visitors. And excuse me for not answering on all comments, but I read all of them, and I try to visit your blogs. And that is what makes blogging so fascinating and rewarding: it is a window to the world, and two-way communication.

After all the numbers in the statistics for my blog are quite small, compared with what we call the pink bloggers. That is 14-16 year old girls blogging about how they do makeup and that their highest dream is fixing their boobs. They get incredible numbers of followers and views. But I am happy, very happy with you guys. I see a lot of great photography and read a lot of exciting, touching or everyday stories from around the world. What more could a girl ask for.

The photos this time are inspired by fellow blogger, Polaroidized in Denmark, and his very lovely photos of roses that I belive are pimpinelle roses and related to these pink, oldfashioned ones I have in my garden. More photos in my roses photo gallery.




67 thoughts on “Thanks xxx

  1. I am a bit like you, I started blogging not really knowing what it was all about. What I like most about it is the wonderful people I have met along the way…like you. I think your photography is stunning. It makes me want to put my camera away.


    1. NO, no, no no, Debra, but you are joking of course. 😉 You do wonderful posts and pictures. What is better than beeing served some food and culture from Italy! :)Thanks for your comment.


  2. Pink bloggers! I had no idea and what a smile that gives me. I think I am too old to worry about boobs so I will stay here and enjoy your roses.


  3. Your comment “What more could a girl ask for” came as a surprise to me, because all this time I’d assumed Bente is a male name. Live and learn, as we say. I think I can speak for all the people who come to your blog: you’re our kind of pink blogger.


  4. Tusen takk, for vakre og spennende bilder, Bente! J Janne

    Fra: Bente Haarstad Photography [] Sendt: 5. juli 2013 12:01 Til: Emne: [New post] Thanks xxx

    bentehaarstad posted: “I started blogging just to see what it was, how it worked. In the early year of 2011. No respons of course, nobody knew I was there. After 250 blogposts I have now 100.000 views and more than 1500 followers. I don’t believe every follower see all my posts”


  5. Gratulerer med blogsuksessen din. Det er kjempespennende og lønnsom å blogge. Fortsett i det gode sporet du er i. Ha en kjempeflott helg! 😀


  6. If I hadn’t started blogging myself, I’d never have looked at and enjoyed so many wonderful blogs – like yours. Thank you for sharing your photos, and your insights into a way of life so very different from my own. And like Steve Schwartzman, I’d assumed your name was a male one :(. Yes, you’re my kind of pink blogger too!


  7. Ha ha ha, I like that with spider! Well captured Bente. And congratulation for your achievement.
    (You are twice as efficient than mine 😉 )
    On the beginning, I mistook you as a male photographer not because of the name but your activities,
    which seems even harder for a male photographer —– you got the leg and the muscle !
    Yet, the delicate eyes you got is remarkable. (You don’t need to wish more 🙂 )


  8. Otroligt mÃ¥nga följare – tycker jag.. och vad mycket tid att lägga pÃ¥ alla kommentarer du fÃ¥r. Jag följer dig för alla dina vackra bilder. En dröm att ha sÃ¥ mÃ¥nga följare..en flicka….jag började fundera pÃ¥ din Ã¥lder efter den raden…inte för att det spelar nÃ¥gon roll….men…föreställde mig inte dig sÃ¥ jätteung…ha det bra..


  9. I love your photography. Pink blogger? There’s a name for everything…never heard of them before.


  10. yes & yes, Bente – & the same right back at you! It is a wonderful community & I am fristrated by all the work I have to do that takes me away from it. I also look at as many as I can, even in a hurry. Thank you for your blogging friendship – long may it continue – & long may you continue with your gorgeous photos!


  11. Looks like both of us started at about the same time and for similar reasons 🙂 My numbers are a lot smaller than yours but that’s ok as I’ve met some interesting people and still have so much fun to write my blog, whether it is read by other or just for my own pleasure. Totally agree with you, it really is a window to the world and so nice to have this two way kind of exchange with people all over the world.


  12. You’ve always been a generous and kind blogger — thank you for your wonderful window into life in Norway and for your warmth, always!


  13. Congratulations Bente. It’s a real pleasure to view your lovely photos and articles from Norway. I love them (and of course love visiting your reindeer photos in particular).
    One of the joys of blogging is meeting such wonderful and inspiring writers & photographers from all around the world. I’ve learnt so much from blogging, and even better, I’ve discovered so many wonderful photographers from clicking on your own followers gravatars and starting to follow some many blogs in turn.

    I love the black spider attached to the rose.


  14. Congratulations! “Pink Bloggers” – ja, I have not heard that one but understand and appreciate your choice of pink flowers for this post!.. I dodge those pink bloggers, not what my life is about!

    Your photos are always lovely, and even the pink bloggers surely love them as well!


  15. Thank you on the flip-flop! I very much enjoy your photography, as I get to learn about your country and culture through them. Although I showcase many photos on my blog, I’m no photographer =) I use you to learn how to take better photos though! Congrats!!


  16. I started to blog about gardening and I am now passionate about solitary bees! I have also found out lots about places I wasn’t really interested before – like Norway.


  17. This is the beauty of your soul, dear Bente. I want to Thank you for you, because you always took me/take me to the wonderful parts of the world… I am happy with your amazing photographs… Congratulations, angels, muses be with you always, Love, nia


  18. I began blogging as a way to push myself to write. Because of mine, I have found wonderful blogs such as yours, Bente. It is such a joy to read the many blogs I now subscribe to, to see the wondrous photos, and to have connections around the globe.
    I, for one, am VERY glad to be seeing your blog regularly!


  19. Congratulations! Just one more voice to say that I’ve enjoyed your blog so very much. I have always had a secret wish to visit Scandinavia, but somehow that was not meant to be. Instead I get a virtual visit through your blog. What fun it’s been!

    I stumbled into this post elsewhere and thought of you…. the Saami and their reindeer. (thought you might find it of interest?)


  20. Thank you for visiting MY blog ;-). I think you are a great photographer and you have made ​​sure that I put your country on my list of countries to visit….


  21. You have some very nice roses. I did enjoy your roses photo gallery. Congratulations on your impressive blog statistics. You do a great blog! Blogging can be rewarding but it also can be very time consuming……


  22. You have a wonderful blog. Your photos are great and I especially love the old photos you show sometimes. It’s like a time machine.


  23. Congratulations, you deserve that much appreciation and more! By the way do you have some tips for my make up and how to fix my boobs? (lol, just kidding….) 😀


  24. Congratulations! I started my blog in order to show the photos i already had. When i ran out, i had no choice but to pick up the camera and shoot more. So, agreed, quality blogging is beneficial for all parties involved, and sometimes in unpredictable ways. Keep it up, Bente!


  25. Congratulations to you! I too am pleasantly surprised by the variety of blogs and the quality of photos. I’ve only been doing this for 4 months, it has been an eye-opener. I enjoy your photography, and soon I’ll be making that rhubarb marmalade! Keep on shooting and showing us.


  26. Congratulations, Bente! Your posts are always absolutely wonderful, and I’m always looking forward to them! I must admit I didn’t know that “pink bloggers” was their name…but I knew about them anyway. I think that your posts have something for everyone – even for them. Starting out on this adventure has been a positive experience for me too. From the start I didn’t believe i would keep on doing it…but I soon found out how many lovely people there are out there, and no matter how different approach we have – we have this in common. We are bloogers because we like it. Thank you for being there!


  27. Well, knock me down, Bente! Like Steve, I thought yours was a male name. Haha. I do so enjoy visiting with you from time to time through our blogging. I don’t recall exactly how we first stumbled across each other but your thoughts, your photographs and your friendship have enriched my life. Congratulations on your milestone achievement!


  28. Your photos are so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing them. I am honoured to have connected with you in this way. Blessings.


  29. Thank you, for showing me the land of my grandmother´s ancestors. I have seen what a beautiful country it is and some of its culture. I do read every post and look forward to seeing what you will post.


  30. Always enjoy what you have to say about your homeland and the images are always excellent. Who knew that when we started this blogging thing we would meet so many interesting people and travel so easily to so many fascinating places.


  31. Felicidades Bente…. Un gusto ser una motita entre los apreciadores de tus pronunciamientos en el blog. ¡Suerte!
    Saludos desde una Europa atacada por el calor.


  32. I loved your comment about the Pink bloggers… I literally laughed out loud 🙂 You also hit the nail on the head about a two communication into another world… I love seeing your pictures because for the most part they are of things that I don’t get to experience anymore.
    You deserve all the success Bente… to many more years & blog posts to come 🙂


  33. Jeg tror jeg har sagt det før, men gjentar det gjerne; bloggen din er imponerende – og fantastisk Norgesreklame! Ikke rart du har mange lesere, det er vel fortjent. SÃ¥ derfor; Gratulerer med blogg-suksessen!


  34. Congratulations Bente! I might not comment very often either, but you should know that you are one of the very best photography blogs I follow 🙂 Love the delicate pink roses.


  35. Yes, the blogging world has been so much fun. Like you, I am amazed at the virtual friends I’ve made and the “window” to so many places that I may never travel to.

    Your photos are so incredible and bring back memories of my trip to Norway and tell me so much more about the beautiful and friendly country that is my heritage.


  36. Good for you, Bente! I always enjoy my visits to your blog and I’m more than not in awe when I look at your photo’s!
    Also I love the way that through your eyes I’m visiting Norway, your country that you so proudly present to us bloggers.
    That is where blogging for me is all about finding new doorways to people and place in all corners of the world.
    So Thank You ! groetjes, Francina


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