Four hours in Kiel

I went on a cruise last weekend. Not a real cruise to the caribbean or something like that, but the ferry between Oslo in Norway and Kiel in Germany. We got only four hours in Germany before the ship turned around, but I found what I was looking for: a real bratwurst. I am not much of a sausage person, but these are really good.

The real reason I went, is the music. A local radio from my region organize an annual trip for everybody who likes to join, and they brought five local bands to play. I danced and enjoyed, and I also listened to other musicians on-board, like this marvellous lady.

But it soon finished and then we went all the way home, 550 km with bus from Oslo. There are a lot more pictures from the trip to Kiel in my photo gallery.

64 thoughts on “Four hours in Kiel

    1. A nice ride of fun, absolutely, Chocolatier. And the bratwurst bought on the street: wow! (Norway have a lot of nice food, but not the sausages unless they are from farmers market or something..)


  1. We took a similar cruise from Oslo to Copenhagen (no return). It was nice, but I had never been on a cruise and didn’t really know what to expect. We didn’t have brats. And those don’t look at all like American brats. I’ll have to do some research on this….


    1. Brats, that probably means you eat a lot of bratwurst!;) (I havg never heard the word before, Garnishgeek) Compared with sausages I know from home these tasted of meat and herbs, not only salt like at home (more or less)…


  2. Looks like a very enjoyable ‘cruise’ and the Bradwurst – yummy.

    (reminds me of when I lived in London in the late 1970s and took an English friend over to France for the day for a picnic. My English friend thought I was mad. We went over on the early morning ferry, bought some picnic food in Calais, had a picnic on the French coast and then back to London on the last ferry of the evening. Of course there’s a tunnel under the channel now and you can just drive across).


  3. I really enjoy the picture you took of your drink! Wow that is pretty awesome! Hey you’d never be able to get a brat like that in the Caribbean that for sure!


    1. They knew how to make pretty drinks, and that is nice, Dafarmer. I know I can’t get brat in the Caribbean, but I wouldn’t mind to go there to taste every caribbean food there is. Must be even more wonderful than brats.


  4. It’s always nice to come outside home and have a change of scene. I love those weekend trips. And the Bratwurst looks so delicious. *yummy*
    Nice that you had so a nice trip with good music, too.
    Ha en kjempefin dag! đŸ˜‰


      1. You know not all Germans are sausage experts, but I am. đŸ™‚ I really like sausage, especially Bratwurst. And here in Rostock we have Rostocker Rauchwurst (in beech or alder smoked Bratwurst). It’s very delicious but even more fatty than “normal” Bratwurst. It’s a really special taste. And I like the real “ThĂ¼ringer Rostbratwurst”, too.
        Ha en kjempefin helg!


      2. Thanks, Allesistgut, I knew you were an expert! đŸ˜‰ I think four hours in Germany will not be enough next time, since there are so many wurst around.


  5. It’s a pity the ferry dosn’t go to Hamburg, the most beautiful city in Germany, top of my list. And Kiel is way down. đŸ™‚
    Glad you enjoyed it! Have a lovely week.
    Greetings from Bonn in the Rhine Valley,


    1. I haven’t been to Hamburg yet, Dina, and what I mainly heard about is the Reperbahn of course. Need to go there sometime, to see the most beautiful city in Germany. Have a nice time in the Rhine Valley Dina, they say the wine there is very fine…and the landscape.


      1. The Rhine Valley is wonderful, well worth a trip. In Rheingau we have excellent Riesling., very fine high standard. You should come! Combine it with a trip on the romantic road, the favourite of many Norwegians. I’ve just come back from die deutsche AlpenstraĂŸe, that’s another highlight, only further south. And you all kinds of Wurst all over. đŸ™‚

        Greetings to Norge from Bonn,
        now heading for Dublin


  6. Ummm I love the real german bratwurst… đŸ™‚

    Sounds like a wonderful trip – I always enjoy the Copenhagen-Oslo trip by DFDS… đŸ™‚

    Great photos… đŸ™‚


    1. Never tried Oslo-Copenhagen, but a long time ago I went Oslo-Fredrikshavn, to bicycle to Skagen. It rained all the time and we were sleeping in tent, so I just try one more time… Thanks Drake.


  7. You’ve made me homesick now! I grew up in Schleswig-Holstein, close to Travemuende, from where ferries travelled to Denmark, Sweden and Finland. I know those musical ferry-rides to Scandinavia well (and Bratwurst and Curry Wurst are among the few things I truly miss). So glad you had a nice time.


    1. I have learned a new word, Emily: brat. Wonder if the germans understand if I say that next time. This time I just pointed (early morning after a lot of music, couldn’t remember any german).


  8. Just my kinda ‘cruise’ bente…. The bratwurst mit kaiser roll would have been delicious, with a great dollop of mustard and some sauerkraut, if it was available, and a cold beer of course. And that cocktail looks so cool! An enjoyable posted outing.


  9. Interesting we tend to get English headers everywhere, isn’t it? What kind of music does this local radio play the most? What stroke me in France was their French music everywhere, very little of anything else.


    1. This local radio plays a mix of international, norwegian and local music. The bands they brought for the cruice were local band with some national Norwegian audience. Thanks for your comment IMdm.


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