Wild raspberries


In Scandinavia many still want to pick wild berries to make jam and marmelade. It used to be a a necessity, now it is a luxery. At least it is for me. I enjoy picking. I like my own marmelade because it consists only of berries and suger. No additives, no pollution, at least as I know. And the taste! Can’t compete with anything from the shop.


The amount of wild berries varies. This year there is few cloudberries around here, and they are not abundant as I wrote in a post last year. But there are lots of wild raspberries, and I picked some this weekend. That mean the wonderful season of wild berries have started. There are more photos in my wild berries photo gallery.



58 thoughts on “Wild raspberries

  1. Yum! As a child, we had a large blackberry patch behind our house. How I miss that! There are no wild berries in the desert southwest. But we have “tunas” which are the fruit of the prickly pear cactus. They will be ripe in about a month and I will go pick tunas and make syrup.


  2. Your season is so far behind ours. My raspberries are but a distant memory at this point. I think we’re nearly at the end of our berry season. Or perhaps there are still some blackberries to be had, though those are not my favorite.


  3. They look absolutely delicious.
    ….and how lucky you are to be able to make jams and such with wild berries near your home.


  4. Drool-worthy pictures indeed. I absolutely agree with you on the taste of home made jam. Is there a reason for the drop in cloudberries this year? I used to be able to source the cloudberry jam at Ikea, but they have no stocks for the past two years. 😦


  5. Lovely berries, lovely photos. One of the benefits of living somewhere not quite so hot is that these soft berries grow so much better, with a much finer flavour than any grown in very sunny regions. In southern France, raspberries and blackberries with a good flavour a rare indeed. Mmmm. I’d love some of your jam.


  6. Raspberries…my favourite. Just looking at them and my mouth waters and that distinctive taste is straight there. I expect like us it has been (and continues to be) a good year for all fruits and berries….what a difference a good summer makes.


  7. How wonderful! What a luxury to pick wild raspberries! We get commercially grown ones in Australia, but they are very expensive. My mother used to grow them in the UK and they were so delicious. Your photos are mouth-watering!


  8. Reblogged this on middlekingdom1of10boyz and commented:
    I have tried to explain to my Chinese friends what these are. They say that they have them in the mountains here. They are actually called mountain berries (Shan mei). I have yet to see them or figure out where they might be. The search continues.


  9. These are wonderful. We used to have a wild raspberry bush when I was growing up in Minnesota and I’d go pick them in the morning for breakfast. I’ve tried growing raspberries here, but haven’t had much luck.


  10. Beautiful berries! We have some in Virginia that look exactly like your wild berries. Here, they are called “Wine Berries.” They are somewhat more tart than raspberries, but delicious.


  11. My cultivated raspberries in the garden are just starting. I think raspberries must quite like the countries with a cooler climate, like Scotland as I don’t find they do particularly well here.


  12. I remember picking blue-berries in Iceland a long time ago, but I don’t remember any raspberries. I am sure they must have been around, or perhaps one needs more forest area fr them to grow around happily! Berries are blessings spread around the earth’s carpet! Love them all!


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