Late skiing


I have been on a small vacation (sorry for neglecting mine and your blogs lately), and when I came back it was time for the first skiing trip for the season. This was just around sunset (3 o’clock) so it was just a short one, and it was getting dark. That means some interesting colours on a clear, cold day as this one. I did some photos though, and have just started looking at them. So here are just a few. And there are some more on this link.




67 thoughts on “Late skiing

    1. Some people always prefer not to be in the middle of snow, and some love to be in the snow (like my dog). It has its advantages and disadvantages with this kind of cold. Thanks, Sreejith.


    1. It is no lake, more like a field, Emulio, and that is why springtime and sometimes autumn can be dangerous in our nature: you don’t see the lakes (with melting ice) under the snow, it all looks the same! What is the dog looking for? Well, he certainly is a hunting dog and is looking for and sniffing for birds and hare and other creatures all the time, and there are some fresh tracks of hare there. But sometimes I think he just looks away in case I am trying to take his picture… And yes, he is a he.


  1. I found very nice shot in your link as well. I like them.
    (A news from Japan said that, in the northern part having 1m deep of snow
    already, and few weeks ago, a mountain claimed 4 lives of skiers in avalanche.)


    1. Sorry about what happened in the avalanche, Yshizen. These accidents happens some times in Norway too, and some skiiers get lost and freece to death. But these accidents usually happens in spring. Now the daylight is too short for people to go too far away into the mountains. Thanks for your comment.


    1. I had to google this to answer your question and it seems I am doing borth, that nordic and cross country is the same, except nordic also is skijumping and things I usually don’t do. I just walk along on my ski’s and don’t usually call it anything special. But I have never tried alpine skiing, that going just downhill with that special equipment. About my dog, he is getting me into every mess sometimes, running too fast. Not a problem just now, the snow is dry and soft and the skiing is easy to control. Best regard to you too, Charlotte.


    1. Helping me pull, you bet, Gunta. So he gets quite a lot more exercise than me, except when we go uphill, then it is 50/50. Cold is not a problem if you dress accordingly, and don’t stand still. Thanks, Gunta.


  2. Dzięki za komplement, Maria. Myślę, że prosicie o jaki obraz swojej kosztów psa? W tym przypadku, wszystkie obrazy kupić za około $ 1 za sztukę na mojej stronie internetowej. Ów. $ 1 dla użytku w internecie, i nieco więcej w przypadku większych plików.Strona jest tutaj: . Powiedz mi, czy mam źle, lub jest więcej pytań.


    1. I was believing we had more or less the same kind of weather, but that meanes yous are no hills then, just vast streches of nature. But I know from your photos it’s incredibly beautiful in all seasons. Thanks, Dave.


  3. Looks wonderful to me, Bente.
    Hope you had a relaxing holiday.

    The light looks interesting to say the least, but very very cold.


  4. Man and Man’s best friend out on such a beautiful late afternoon like that Bente .. couldn’t be better 🙂
    Glorious .


  5. Beautiful….and Honey and I love your dog! I wondered whether he was a particular breed of setter? Is he ok with his feet in the snow? Here my dogs always end up with nasty ice shards between their pads, but you have much drier snow I think!


    1. The Norwegian setters are all bred for hunting, they are not show dogs. Mine is very ok with the snow, he LOVES it! He can get these nasty ice on his paws too, and actually more often when the snow is dry and fresh, and especially if we leave the tracks and it gets deep. Then I have to stop and he removes them him selves. Otherwise it is possible to use “shoes”.


      1. Interesting about the ice…he looks rather like an Irish or Red Setter with his gorgeous red coat. I much prefer dogs bred from working stock to the show versions – bred for character and suitability rather than looks!


      2. Oh, certainly he is a red setter, an irish setter. And certainly bred for character and suitability rather than looks. Couldn’t agree more, but he is looking good too! 😉


  6. Those last couple of photos blew me away! Such a beautiful sunrise. .. AND a dog in them 🐶
    Here in the US, we call what you are doing skijoring. The word even looks Nordic, eh?😜 I would use cross country skis and harness my Akita dog and she would pull me thru the trails. Fun. Until a rabbit or deer came into view! Then I’d just bends my knees and anticipate a fast ride!


    1. Yes, you do skiing too! 🙂 I have not heard the word skijoring, but it sounds Nordic. It sounds like skikjøring, or snørekjøring as we call it. I anticipate a fast ride any time, Plant Girls, but whith the fresh snow I can at least steer, and put the “breaks” on. I bet the akita is a strong one too. Thanks a lot.


    1. At least it is necessary with some breaks, and fresh air. By the way, sunset is now 14:30.. but it lasts a long time, 1-2 hours before dark. And with the snow, the darkness is not completely dark.. Thanks, Alessandro.


  7. Bonjour Bente,
    Je vois que le soleil se couche tôt aussi chez toi. Il est tellement bas, qu’il se cache derrière la montagne avant 15h00. J’ai sorti une fois les skis, mais la neige fond depuis à une vitesse vraiment importante. Nous attendons à nouveau la neige pour pouvoir les ressortir car pour l’instant même les sorties se font sans raquettes ! Profites en bien 🙂 Bonne fin de journée. Val


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